Perfect Partner: IHS Plays Integral Role in Receiving Yankovich Estate Gift to Restore Locomotive

Toda​y marks an extraordinary milestone for rail preservation and education, and the Iron Horse Society at Steamtown is thrilled to be at the heart of it.

Through careful coordination, we facilitated the transfer of a generous donation from the estate of Eric J. Yankovich, a lifelong rail enthusiast, to the Steamtown National Historic Site (NHS). These funds will breathe life back into the Atlantic Coast Line #1901, enhancing the live railroad experience for everyone.

Our role didn't end with the transfer; we also had the honor of selecting a Lehigh Valley Railroad paint scheme for the restoration, adding a touch of history to this exciting project.

It's an honor to support the mission of STEA, bridging the past with the present and preserving the legacy of the railroads. Here's to the history and a brighter future on the tracks!  

To learn more, read the official NPS Press Release about the Yankovich Gift.

Photos courtesy of Yankovich Estate and NPS


Announcing The Siding, Issue #1: Your Official Iron Horse Society Newsletter